Let’s Play Ravenloft Strahd’s Possession #32: Descending Deeper

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This is my first playthrough through this game. Kindly avoid posting spoilers in the comments or solutions to puzzles either in this video or future ones so as not to spoil the experience for me or those that haven’t seen the game before.

Switch pushing and collecting keys to unlock doors are an old staple of dungeon crawlers, that and weighing down pressure plates with rocks. While this game does have pressure plates of a sort, we're unable to see them and I doubt anything other than us stepping on them can trigger them. There's been more than enough of the other two to make up for it, however, with the elven tomb being the highest concentration of switches not used to open doors so far.

There's also the teleporters but up until now they've been rather rare. While I would have preferred there being a sprite to show where the non-trap ones were, we haven't yet been thrown into a desperate situation by stumbling into one. I say 'yet' because it's bound to happen at some point, perhaps on the second floor of this place that will likely have even more dangerous enemies and a puzzle that encompasses the entire floor.

Oh, and lots of reloading due to level drain. Can't forget about that.

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