I Launched and Released PC & Mobile Unity Game on Google Play, App Store, and itch.io! (Game Devlog)

52 Просмотры
Indie game devlog about releasing an indie game for Android, iOS, Windows, and Mac! The game is dedicated to Wanderers and a newly improved update will be released soon! Join us!

Google Play - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.Awander.EggsBeansandLeaves
App Store - https://apps.apple.com/us/app/eggs-beans-and-leaves/id1555219246
itch.io (Windows and Mac) - https://awander.itch.io/eggs-beans-and-leaves

Join our exciting communities below!
✅ Discord - https://discord.gg/myEB8mX8V3
✅ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/awandergames/

▶ About Me
Hi! I'm Awander. I'm an indie game developer primarily working on a 2d game using Unity game engine. I usually upload devlogs / vlogs every few days, so join the family and check it out! :)

#devlog #unity #gamedev #ios #android #windows #mac #gamedevelopment #indiegame

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