ZOONO - A side-scroller, action, adventure, Puzzle pc-game

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A side-scroller, action, adventure, Puzzle pc-game. with at least 12 episodes, produced by ONE PERSON TEAM.

ZOONO is a computer game made using the unreal engine.

In this game, the player, as a scientist who mistakenly goes to the past as a result of experimenting with a time machine, must return to his time machine and return to his time.

This game includes steps that require skill and thinking.
The stages of the game are so diverse and attractive that each challenge is considered a new game.
ZOONO is designed to keep the player excited and fresh until the end of the game and is always waiting for a new event.
This game can be run on a desktop or laptop.


The RAHAMIN consists of one person.
Someone who has worked in the fields of programming, graphics, animation, 3D design, material making, music, decoration, storytelling, and film editing for many years. And now he has been preparing this game alone for about two years, and to date, about seventy percent of the game has been completed.

Game Story:

In ZOONO, a scientist is transported to the end of World War II near Berlin while building and testing a time machine.
The German soldiers do not find him but take the time machine with them.
The scientist lies somewhere in the grassland near Berlin and is known as an alien.

From now on, while saving his life, he must look for the place where the time machine is kept.
During the game, he has a tool that he can use to help them. But his limitation as a scientist is that he cannot take up arms directly.
Tools such as a transmitter (which can move him to a place near him), a time slower, a hand-held time machine (which can move him and part of the world around him for a limited time, in time) and an electric shocker.

During the game, he encounters another person who decides another fate for him.
A person who also came from the future, but a distant future, and was arrested and tortured by the Germans.
The Nazis were trying to launch a large number of ballistic missiles to different parts of the world, which, if they happened, would end the war in their favour.
He travelled to the time with a plan to disrupt the missile system, but his plan failed.
Because he came from a distant future, he knew that our scientist would travel there at the same time. So at the right time, he explains his mission to our scientist and asks him to complete his part-time mission.

But things do not go as planned and the return plan fails.
Now the scientist must find a way to return to his time.

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