We Play - Geneva Convection - PC - Pure Gameplay and Strategy

54 Просмотры
I love this wacky strategy game that was made at the most recent Ludum Dare competition! It's almost more of a toy than a game, and once you figure out it's nuances you probably won't play again.

Watch the video and you should be able to figure out if it's something you would want to play. And please like and subscribe!

The basic strategy that will work is this:

At the beginning, turn the Generator Cooling and Capacitor cooling up to one red pip. Turn them to one blue pip once the rooms start glowing red. Keep doing this for the entire game and you can keep the Generator and Capacitor perpetually blue.

Shut down the Satellite Launch Pad and even the Research Lab when not in use. In reality, you can shut off Capacitor and Generator Monitoring too, because the above strategy will keep your rooms in the blue for the entire game. You don't really need to monitor them at all.

You need to upgrade the Capacitor Array in advance of the Generator because otherwise the laser charges too quickly and it becomes too hectic to manage. You'll see some of this in the video.

Finally, you can purposely overload rooms so that they explode, and then you don't have to worry about upgrading them or constantly adjusting their thermostat. This is the most advanced strategy. Unfortunately I haven't tested enough to tell you how much faster this recharges the laser.
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