Was the most creative game you made up as child lego piece necklace

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Was the most creative game you made up as child lego piece necklace
I actually played several weird games… I was not a weird kid in school, I did play football soccer, baseball, basketball… I played normal stuff too, but that was one thing and another thing was outside school. My parents would take us to the typical ToysRUs before Christmas and we just looked for toys for the Three Kings in Spain those are the ones who bring presents. My parents would see what we liked and they would pick from that. I remember I had a geography exam in school by that time, so I saw one of those interactive world maps… I spent the entire evening with that, paying attention to mothing else in the shop. So my parents or the 3 Kings gave me that for Christmas and I was very happy. But thats evidently not the weird part. The weird part is that after that I got obsessed and memorised the map, then started drawing maps of the world myself, and spent days doing that after school. The thing is I was ashamed of myself for some reason, and my mother started to be interted in what I was drawing or writing. So I broke down those maps into smaller pieces in different papers and marked each piece with a made up symbol representing an order so I could reassemble them but she couldnt. Then I strated to write the stuff on them in English because my mother cant speak English. So my mother just saw half drawings with made up symbols written in English all because I wanted to hide what I did. But my faer spoke English, so I started to think that was not safe enough LOL so I made a sort of codification of Spanish changing certain things to make it not understandable. It didnt wor.k entirely, my mother knew they were maps but she could not understand a thing and actually probably thought it was even weirder that I did that. But you know, I could pretend I was not enjoying geography! But I had other games. I played with toys, but not the usual way… that changing the language thing became something I loved and did all the time in different ways. I would make up languages for my toys, I would draw maps and make languages, designing an entire back story for the toys before playing with them. I could spend weeks doing that. And not just that, then I would try to recreate the maps in my bedroom with the stuff I had, making an absolute mess that I wanted to stay like that having to fight my parents to let it stay like that for days. Eventually I dropped the toys and even the maps, although now I can locate anything relevant on a map and I am pretty good at drawing them. But my love for messing around with languages grew. My cousins speak Catalan and Galician, so I always tried to lea.rn both languages. At one point I started to copy the grammar features unique to Catalan and Galician like Galician pluperfect or Catalan perfect preterite co.nstructions and applying them to Spanish in my head. I went to Paris when I was 10 I go every couple years since I was 3 and I remember trying to do the same with French… my knowledge of French was a ot more limitted but I did notice the French dont pronounce the letter E unmarked i.e. o rvuar is how they say au revoir, so I tried to do that in my imaginary language too. The next year I went to Venice and I noticed the plurals in Italian were not with an S but with I and E. At that point I tried to look up why. I came across Latin declensions as I did that, Italian takes nominative plurals from Latin while Spanish or French use accusatives with an S. So I actually grew obsessed with Latin grammar and I lea.rnt the declensions. Anyway, the next year I started to write it all down and made my imaginary language coherent. Then I tried to make my cousins lea.rn it xD Surprisingly some did and we would speak that between ourselves at times, I trued to make the language large enough to cover basic co.nversations. But it got to a point where I just kept changing it and added too many complications and by cousins gave up. I still dont know how they acceded to lea.rning it in the first place to be hont. But there are other weird stuff. Another one was in another shop. I just came across a chemistry book. I didnt have chemistry in school. But the book was in English, so I had the excuse lf saying I was lea.rning English. My parents bought me the book yaaay and well the book was my new passtime after school. But then comes my weird twist to it. I lea.rnt the basic properties of the different types of chemical elements for instance, transition metals have extra electrons for their coiguration so they form a cloud of electrons and the atoms stay irregularly and more packed together, harder to break but deformable, they transmit heat better etc. Well I would make characters like superheros with powers drawn from the characteristics of the chemical elements and I would play that with my friends. You may think these are not games, b
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