Undying: A Game of Desperation and Impending Loss (PC | Steam)

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Undying Preview

Undying is a zombie survival adventure game where you play as a mother named Anling that has been bit by a zombie and is frantically trying to secure her sons survivable place in life within the zombie apocalypse. While many of the mechanics here are going to feel very familiar (combat, crafting, survival) Undying is trying something a little more novel with the addition of Anling's son Cody. At first glance is may seem as though Cody is nothing more than a latchkey feature and just a liability, but his usefulness increases over the course of the game. To start he can be used as a pack mule for additional storage, but as he observes Anling craft, fight, and scavenge, he will learn to take on those responsibilities himself.

With this game only out in alpha right now, I have to imagine that there will be some time before it is officially released, but there is a lot here that has made me optimistic. Enough, I should say, to make me want to share the game. There's a demo out now (link below), but if you'd like to see how the game is developing you can also follow it on Steam. I'll be watching myself, and potentially covering it in greater detail when there is a further progress made.

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