TristanKade99's Live PS4 BroadcastFortnite I HATE COVID19!!!!!

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Everyday adventures of a 7 year old boy who loves God, his Family, being able to help other kids who do not have their Fathers in their lives and most importantly in his mind Jake Paul! He adores him, so you may hear about him and the Team 10 gang a lot sorry lol. Kadence is in 1st grade and plays football. He had a major speech issue early in life called Approxia but he is doing way better then the therapist originally thought he would. Kadence is all BOY lol. He likes to be outside in the dirt, riding his bike and finding any kind of creepy crawlys he can. He has wanted to start a channel for a long time but I (his Mother) would not let him. So he started recording just random videos of himself ALL the time and begging me to post them. I finally did on my facebook page and he got a lot of positive feedback so here we are. He just wants to make everyone smile the way some of his favorite YouTubers make him smile. If he can achieve that he said he would be happy! Enjoy!
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