Tiles Gameplay - PC Indie Puzzle Game by Romans I XVI

63 Просмотры
To look at, Tiles is undoubtedly one of the simplest games I've ever seen. But to play it, it's incredibly difficult – and all the better for it.

Created by Romans I XVI Gaming, Tiles is basically a simple puzzle game made up of blocks – er, sorry, tiles: you start on one tile, and have to make your way across a laid-out path to reach the end tile. Incredibly simple. Sure is, until you throw in disappearing tiles, overlapping paths you'll need to take more than once, flashing tiles and the fact you're racing against the clock. Oh, and if you're a bit too press-happy on your arrow key, you'll fly right off the edge of the path and have to start all over again.

Read more: https://wp.me/p5DfBM-8bO


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