The WORST PC Game Ever Made: VirtualBus Simulator Review

63 Просмотры

I am at a loss for words...How can something of such poor quality exist? VirtualBus is a bus driving simulator with invisible passengers, the ability to drive through EVERY SINGLE OBJECT in the game like you are some kind of ghost, poor controls, and graphics that look like poorly cropped cutouts from magazines. Big Rig: Over The Road Racing, you've met your match. What surreal garbage this game is.

I should probably take back saying this game's graphics remind me of Hard Drivin', a game from 1989. The fact is, that game's graphics were far more polished. The graphics here remind me of animal cruelty and genocide.

Why listen to me over bigger reviewing organizations like IGN, Gamespot, X-Play, Gamespy, Destructoid or Gametrailers? Well, I don't just review games from the eyes of a technical, professional reviewer. I also review games from the perspective of an actual gamer.
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