Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix - PC Gameplay - M.Bison - Story Mode - 720P - Mugen

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Gameplay footage of the PC edition of Street Fighter 2 HD Turbo Remix. This game wasn't ported to the PC officially because Capcom being Capcom either couldn't be arsed or they thought that they couldn't do a decent job of it (Or just didn't want to pay an outside source to do a better job than what they would have done) . So instead a group of guys got together and managed to port this to the PC via MUGEN.

The game whilst not 100% finished yet is almost there and runs pretty much the same as the console edition of the game. So PC owners can finally enjoy and have a chance to play this fantastic HD edition of Street Fighter 2 on the PC at long last.

With this edition of the game was have additional Characters such as Evil Ryu and Violent Ken. This gameplay footage of of M.Bison in Story mode.

If you pay attention to the gameplay you can see the game still has a fair few glitches with certain characters....Bison being one of them. 1 Glitch is if E.Honda grabs you it oddly brings up the moves list for a second or two.....and the other....well it seems i managed to throw Sagat off the face of the planet.

Huge thanks to YT user Gui Santos and the guys who worked on the MUGEN port of the game as without them i doubt i would ever have found out that this port existed. IF your interested in giving this game a try yourself then i recommend that you check out Gui's channel as he has links providing you to the Mugen port.

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