Star Thunder: Official Flight Simulator HD Video Game Teaser Trailer - PC

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Издатель - Star Thunder's genre is defined as space-and-air combat MMO action. The game will feature several competitive PvP-modes, original co-op mode missions and also a singleplayer story mode that's designed to introduce players to the universe of Star Thunder. This campaign, working title of which is "The Trinity Chronicles" starts in 1945 when a nuclear bomb test caused a resonating distortion of space-time continuum that instantly moved the whole solar system to a remote galaxy and into the distant future, the 48th century.

Desperately suffering from lack of essential resources the Precursors -- the dominant race in the world of the future -- without hesitation decide to conquer all the surprisingly appeared planets and start their advance with invasion to the third planet from the Sun. Meanwhile the fire of the World War 2 is still hot on the Earth; military sciences as well as combat readiness are at their peak, and the League of Nations unites powers to fight the new global enemy.

Avoiding risk of destroying the whole planet with main caliber, the Precursors start their invasion with smaller units. They send their cruisers to the largest metropolises of Europe, America and Asia knowing quite few about how their engines will work in terrestrial conditions and what a rousing welcome they will meet...
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