PUNK WARS - Launch Trailer - 4X turn-based strategy available November 11, 2021 via Steam and GOG!

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PUNK WARS available NOW on PC, Mac, Linux:

Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1541790/Punk_Wars/
GOG: https://www.gog.com/game/punk_wars

Punk Wars is a combat and tactics-oriented strategy drawing inspiration from the classic turn-based 4X titles developed by STRATEGY FORGE and published by JUJUBEE.


Our civilization has fallen. From the ashes, four new powers emerge. Immerse yourself in a combat-heavy twist on a classic turn-based 4X strategy where steam, steel, atom and diesel-punk corporations clash to spread their technology and the way of life.

(C) 2021, Strategy Forge S.A. | Jujubee S.A.
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