MHWI PC How To Kill Fatalis | Mechanics, Tips, and Duo Strat | [Read Description] 2K HD

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I wanna try to make this as short as possible. First thing you guys need to know is that this fcker is just the strongest monster i ever fought in MHW and it's not a joke to fight.

First of as a bow user YOU REALLY WANT TO BE ALWAYS AND ALWAYS be in the best position which is on his right side and very close to him. That spot is where you will mostly going to be safe on MOST but not all of its deadly attacks. If you happen to get into a 90 deg angle with his stupid face, please, and please, sheathe your weapon and immediately run to his right side and real close (almost melee range).

Next important thing to know is the mechanics of how this fcker get his ultra mega super powerful flame pukes, and that is by his horn... BREAK THE HORN before phase 3 and you'll have the chance to win against it.. Take note that by failing to break at least one horn before phase 3 will enable ALL OF HIS FIRE ATTACKS to INCREASE HIT BOX LIKE FCK and if you get hit by some blue flame shit you are guaranteed to die!

For the phases, first phase ends when he flies and puke heat wave that by staying on the map will bbq you to death. The way to avoid getting bbq is to go to THAT SIDE OF THE MAP MARK WITH RED and hide there until he finish first phase.

His 2nd phase will end after he do another bbq wave but this time you gotta run towards the dragonator area, climb up, enter the room, and press the switch to close the door thereby avoiding getting bbq.

Now for the last phase, again his horn must be broken at least once now, you must be very careful here cause even tho NOT ALL of its attack will 1 shot, still quite a number of them will still one shot you... Also, reserve your temporal for this part (just watch the vid on when i wear my temporal).

This mderfcker will now do the bbq wave a lot of times but this time the safe spot is under him, YES GO UNDER HIM TO SURVIVE... When he pukes that heat wave, immediately run towards him and be safe under him + if you are already under and safe, check your teammate and try to heal him if he's still far away.

DON'T BE SO GREEDY... As a bow user YOU HAVE 2 EQUAL TARGETS, the boobs and the face... Take note that you must SHOOT ONLY whichever you can hit and whenever you have the chance shoot the head (check on my vid)... Again, STAY ON POSITION I MENTIONED, DON'T BE GREEDY, and BE MINDFUL OF THE TWO TARGETS I MENTIONED.

My friend equipped the new skill which enables him to wound the monster just by one clutch, so this whole thing is a teamwork! That is his job, your fcking job is to make sure you are consistent in shooting both the boobs and the head with really getting greedy (see video for reference).

Another part of our teamwork is that I do the dragonator part which will be available at the later part of the hunt.. FFS though, the dragonator becomes available when it is about to die + the bgm will also change. BY USING THE DRAGONATOR MAKE SURE THAT HE IS IN THE MIDDLE OF IT SO BOTH DRAGONATOR STICKS WILL HIT HIM CAUSING 10K+ damage.

MANTLES: Use Temporal and Assassin’s Hood, ASSASSIN’s Hood for easy reposition.

I'll be updating this post as I learn more, but for now, this is what we do to kill this fcker.... Hope this helps! If you like this vid, please like and subscribe to support my channel.
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