Meeple Station -Trailer 2018-//PC Game//-New Strategy Game-

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Meeple Station is a cooperative Space station Simulation game. Strongly inspired by Dwarf Fortress and Rimworld (with a hint of Space Station 13). Where the complexity of a simulation game blends with the friendly and satisfying nature of a Real-Time-Strategy game.

Meeple are simple creatures. They're not human, nor are they incredibly intelligent. They're a race of space fairing creatures who enjoy industry, work, and exploration. But they need a lot of guidance, YOUR guidance, in fact.
Unique Meeple Roles
They come in various shapes, sizes and colours. And each Meeple has their own role, so you'll need to recruit the ones best suited for the jobs you need. Miners, engineers, refiners, janitors, guards or lab workers, there are plenty of jobs to be done.
Meeple are very fragile creatures, and if not taken care of properly, can be prone to any number of possible fatalities. If you're not careful, they could easily fall victim to starvation, suffocation, implosion, explosion, decapitation, electrification, incineration or just unlucky enough to get sucked out of an airlock or gobbled up by an alien.

Build it your way!
There is a wide range of paraphernalia for a space station. From simple furniture, like bedding and seating, to complex machinery, life support and power grids. You choose where and how to build it all, and your Meeple will have to adjust to your changes.
You will also be responsible for rigging up the main power grid, making sure everything is plugged in, and that you are creating enough power to keep everything alive!

You don't control individual Meeple, your job is to give them orders and create designations. They will always do their best to follow through on the jobs you create, unless of course they're being pursued by a giant electric man-eating space squid... although they may still attempt it.
Space is a dangerous place, putting aside natural disasters, solar flares and stray meteors, you also need to worry about pirates!

Meeple pirates are bent on destruction, they simply want nothing more than annihilation of everything non-pirate. That includes you and your Meeple!

If there are pirates near your station, they wont be able to resist the chance to create havoc. Defend yourself with trained Meeple, and combat turrets, otherwise your station will soon be a floating assortment of scrap.

A bustling station will bring in a lot of trade and commerce, traders will fly in from all over the quadrant to dock at your station. Which is fortunately very lucrative for you!

There are also plenty of resources just floating around. You can order your mining crew to get out there and salvage it. You can then refine the minerals you collect to construct and develop new components for your station.

Undertake a campaign, building difficult stations and meet pressing deadlines. Or sit back, relax and run your own little station, at your own pace, moving around the quadrant, exploring nearby planets and being a centre for trade and commerce.
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