KH3 (PC) - Olympus Mobs No Damage (New Game, LV1CM/All PRO Codes)

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Olympus is hard. Getting No Damages is even harder (mostly because you can't Airstep until after Satyrs). The world tests two main skills:
1. Keeping your camera trained on the whole battlefield, as not to get caught about by stray fireballs from the Flame Cores.
2. How well you know the Flame Cores' AI, and how to use Water effectively to shut them down.

You should play around for like 15 minutes with Flame Cores before seriously attempting the fights and figure out when they do their attacks, how to bait out their single breath and DM, and so on.

Keyblade: Kingdom Key (Base Level)
Accessory: Soldier's Earring

Disable all of Donald's magic except for Blizzard while you're in Thebes, then change to Fire before Rock Titan.

Cliff Fight (0:00):
Not too hard, just focus the Air Soldiers first, and try and pick up Risk Dodges on the Large Body if you can. On the more advanced side, a bit of tech you can practice here is Wall Kick → Superslide → Buzzsaw on a set of grouped up enemies, which will come in handy on Building.

Flame Cores 1 (0:36):
I swear if I hear one more person complain about "TeN fLaMe CoReS iN tHe SeCoNd FigHt iN tHe GaMe"... This one is the mid-tier of difficulty between the three Flame Core fights before Building. The general tips apply above, try and line up your Water casts (while moving) to hit multiple Flame Cores at a time with the barrier. Goofy Tornado can help with this.

Flame Cores 2 (1:21):
This one is actually pretty difficult. I've had the best success by focusing the Flame Core on the far right first, then taking the fight as it comes based on how your party members are using their abilities. Try and bait out reprisals on the single breath if you can. Another trick that works for all these fights is to force a Flame Core to DM (bring it to half HP) and then try and kill as many of the other ones as you can, since while one is DMing, and for a while after it's finished and/or died, the other's can't DM at all.

Flame Cores 3 (2:19):
Very easy, just Pole Spin ASAP at the start of the fight, then spam Water in the middle of the clumped up group of Flame Cores. Don't Buzzsaw, or one will DM.

Building Fight (2:46):
Unsurprisingly, this fight is BRUTAL to No Damage. If you're not going for No Damage, then you can tank one or two of the triple breath fireballs, then actually heal back up since Flame Cores drop two medium HP orbs each, while the Air Soldiers and Shadows drop small ones. You need to be on top of your game for the whole fight, and you need to have Flame Cores' AI down to a science.

The opening movement with Waters to the right side is actually pretty consistent from what I've seen. In this clip, two fireballs even come my way, but I i-frame through both using the Water barrier. After you take down most of the Flame Cores on the right side, go ahead and force one of the stragglers to DM, then take the rest of the phase as it comes, trying to get Risk Dodges and reprisals where you can. You want to try and run out of MP when you taken out around half of the remaining Flame Cores on the left side, so it comes back right when the wave of Flame Cores after the Shadows spawn.

The Shadows are surprisingly probably the most annoying part of this fight. I spam Rising Spiral whenever possible during this phase to catch most of them and parry any attacks that I missed. You also can Wall Kick → Superslide → Buzzsaw on most of the phases from here on out.

Once the Soldiers and Air Soldiers spawn in, you need to be watching animations, since Air Soldiers do telegraph their fast charge. Beyond that, if you can do more Buzzsaws than I could in this clip, you'll be able to be a lot safer.

I spent hours working out a strategy for this fight, it's hard as hell and sometimes the game really does go out of its way to dick you, but believe me when I say there aren't many other fights in the game that are this hard.

Rock Troll (5:08):
Get used to fighting Trolls, since the game will throw two more at you later; I like these guys though, they're fun. The main attack to watch out for is the quick bitch-smack with his left hand. He CANNOT do this move while he's walking around or in another attack animation, so you don't have to worry there. Don't do the base finisher while he's just standing still though, or you're likely to get caught out by it. As you can see in this clip, it is 100% reactable if you're not mashing X. One last note is that the second hit of his two-swing combo has a large and long-lasting lingering hitbox, mostly when you're directly under him.

Satyrs (6:25):
The strat boils down to waiting for the Satyrs to stop dashing, then Wall Kick → Superslide → Buzzsaw to decimate their armor. You might have to manipulate their positioning so they don't stop in a open space, though.

You can find more KH3 content, including speedruns, at my Twitch channel:
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