Oddworld is a franchise with a long and detailed history. Starting with Abe's Oddysee it became very popular very quickly. With the latest game, Soulstorm, just coming out I thought I'd have a look at some of the old ports. So let's see if Oddworld Adventures for the Nintendo Game Boy is Worth It!
If you want to see my other Oddworld reviews click here:
Oddworld Adventures is a port or Demake of Oddysee featuring the same characters and I would say story but there's barely any here. It borrows from the Playstation game quite a bit with most of the level designs coming from that game. It's certainly a very unique idea and sometimes these can work but I do have some doubts!
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#oddworld #nintendo #gameboy
0:00 Intro
1:14 History
1:26 Menus are fun!
1:45 The (Lack of) Story
2:30 Gameplay
3:46 A Look at the Levels
8:06 Is it Worth It?
8:38 Outro/Bloopers
If you want to see my other Oddworld reviews click here:
Oddworld Adventures is a port or Demake of Oddysee featuring the same characters and I would say story but there's barely any here. It borrows from the Playstation game quite a bit with most of the level designs coming from that game. It's certainly a very unique idea and sometimes these can work but I do have some doubts!
Here are a few links if you want to be social!!
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Facebook ► https://www.facebook.com/LytaneVS/?ref=aymt_homepage_panel
Twitter ► https://twitter.com/lytanevs
#oddworld #nintendo #gameboy
0:00 Intro
1:14 History
1:26 Menus are fun!
1:45 The (Lack of) Story
2:30 Gameplay
3:46 A Look at the Levels
8:06 Is it Worth It?
8:38 Outro/Bloopers
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