I Built An All MSI PC (Again) - PC Building Simulator

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I Built An All MSI PC (Again) - PC Building Simulator
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We're back in PC Building Simulator, but first things first, we've got to make a tweak on the RAM for the most expensive PC from last episode. Didn't see that video, here you go: https://youtu.be/KOB5Pb8tO14 A few helpful commenters let me know that 4800MHz Trident Z is no longer the most expensive memory in the game, so we get it changed out with 32GB kits of HyperX Fury RAM at 3600MHz.

After that's done, we're building an all MSI PC 2.0. We've got a whole bunch of new MSI parts to choose from since we did the first all MSI build, so things are going to look pretty different now. Let's get to it.
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