Dual Universe pc game

60 Просмотры
Well, the L core that busted for no reason I'm about to check, see if devs fixed it. At least they reportedly removed the item broken counter that was a plague to all us beta testers. No point in being snobby when the game isn't full release yet.
Been playing this since Oct20. Made around a billion so far more or less. Have bases on multiple planets. The game really needs a few things to make it work properly still, like fix the mining voxel errors. Add some weather and improve the graphics. Get rid of the grass, it's just a cause of lag and it's darn ugly anyway. Add another planet with thick atmosphere, larger than Alioth, deeper canyons and running water. The advent of minigames might come someday but they need to iron out other problems first. At least it's getting better a lot faster than Star Citizen ever did. Single shard universe may be a bit glitchy but it actually works even with the market lag.
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