Creating a "Biometric Hand Scanner" Real-Life Escape Room Game Puzzle

45 Просмотры
In this video tutorial, I explain how to use Unity to create a fake "Biometric Hand Scanner" Android app for use in a high-tech escape room puzzle. Even though the app doesn't really scan your hand, pressing the fingerprints in the correct sequence really does open a door, just like in a futuristic sci-fi movie!
The door is secured by a maglock, controlled by a ESP8266-powered Wemos D1 Mini. When a player presses their fingerprints in the correct order, the Unity app sends a wireless trigger to a webserver running on the Wemos, which triggers a relay and cuts power to the door lock.

Components Used
- Unity ( free!)
- Wemos D1 Mini (~£5 from )
- Wemos D1 Mini Relay Shield (~£2 from )
- 12V Maglock (~£20 from )

00:00:00-00:01:47 Introduction and Demonstration
00:01:48-00:03:30 Hardware Overview
00:03:31-00:04:20 Wiring Diagram of maglock to Wemos D1 Mini relay shield
00:04:21-00:28:31 Creating the Unity project
00:28:32-00:44:00 Wemos D1 Mini code in the Arduino IDE
00:44:01-00:47:58 Modifying the code to host a Wireless Wi-Fi hotspot
00:47:59-00:49:08 Wrapup

If you enjoyed this video or found it helpful, please like and subscribe to this channel! And, if you'd like to download the Unity project, code for the Arduino IDE, wiring diagram, or other resources used in this and all the other escape room projects shown on this channel (and support me to continue making more tutorials in the future!), please check out my Patreon at
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