BREAK STUFF WITH COINS gameplay: Silly physics game for tossers! (PC Early Access)

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Break Stuff With Coins gameplay is about tossing coins to cause maximum chaos! Based on Ludum Dare 31's Coin Toss Simulator 2015.
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In this Break Stuff With Coins gameplay video, we play around with this game jam-based coin toss game, trying to break as much stuff in the kids' bedrooms and the lounge, and at one point the herbaceous border.

We see how to find secrets, minigames and unlockable coins by doing unexpected things, all based on a flick of the wrist.

The Break Stuff With Coins release date is set to be 4 May 2018, with a couple of months in early access.

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Official Break Stuff With Coins gameplay info:

"Ever wanted to just let loose and break stuff? Break Stuff with Coins lets you do just that. Toss coins at stuff, and break or manipulate it, all in a wacky physics world. Unlock new coins, each with unique bonuses or destructive effects that will definitely spice up your playstyle."

Developed by: MKJ Interactive
Version played: beta 0.91
Break Stuff With Coins release date: 4 May 2018
Formats available: PC Windows


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