8 DOORS gameplay: Scythe Souls in Afterlife Metroidvania! (PC game)

50 Просмотры
The first 20 minutes of 8 Doors gameplay, an afterlife Metroidvania! See the combat, skill upgrades & story of 8Doors: Arum's Afterlife Adventure, now on Steam.
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More of the best indie games from Randomise User! In this let's play 8 Doors gameplay review we play the opening areas of this new metroidvania, from starting out post-tutorial to earning our first skills, including a jump dash. We meet several weird characters, check out hot platforming action, face a boss with our scythe, turn into a frog I think, and reach the Observation Deck.

8Doors on Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/668550/8Doors_Arums_Afterlife_Adventure/

Official gameplay description: "8Doors is a story-driven Metroidvania-style action platformer heavily influenced by Korean folktales. Play as ‘Arum’, a brave girl that has voluntarily entered the realm of the afterlife in search of her father’s soul and help guide her through the '8 Doors of Purgatory' to solve the mysteries that lie deep within. Defeat wretched wraiths blocking your way and rescue fugitive souls who are in need of your guidance."

Developed by: Rootless Studio
Version played: patch #1
8Doors release date: 8 April 2021
Formats available: PC Windows, Mac, Linux

Official site: https://playneowiz.com/8doors
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Thanks for watching this let's play 8 Doors gameplay review! More from Randomise User, home of the best indie games:

► Indie gameplay videos 2021: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLvo6-XrH1fntHk2GcreqA11dNPs2FCG8
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► All Starbound videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLvo6-XrH1flHOb_x1j6HTr5aWm9_5rRV
► Older gameplay (2014-2020): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLvo6-XrH1fnvqfQI4mhyXJu5Y7hcS5vC

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